Professional Services

Bull hired us for internal developments in the JOnAS J2EE application server (ObjectWeb).

Reynolds & Reynolds France use our products in their DCSNet offer (intranet dealer management sustem for car dealers).

France Télécom R&D regularly work with us on custom server-side java (J2EE) development.

Renault use our products in their car dealer shops, thanks to Reynolds & Reynolds and their DCSNet product.

Samse has 21 home improvement shops in France. We developed an intranet stock management application for them.


OW2 is the home of JOnAS, the open-source JavaEE server, and host many other open-source projects.
We are OW2 members since OW2 exists, responsible for the RmiJdbc project, and are involved in the consortium management and marketing.

E-Commerce & Dynamic web sites

Toshiba Asia: Recovery CDs online shop.
Made In Design, beautiful, different, clever and useful objects.
SpeedInfo, computer hardware reseller.
E-Consommables: Toner cartridges, etc...