Administration console

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What is the Admin Console ?

An administration console is now available to manage the ExperSHOP applications. This console is an ExperShop application itself, and can be administered too. Now, you can start and stop an application, configure the JDBC connections, manage the logs, view the client sessions, and many other tools.


First, you need to install ExperShop.
You can download it from the ExperLog Web Site. Normally, the Admin Console is installed with ExperShop, and you can simply reach it at the following URL (replace "localhost" with the name or IP of the host where ExperSHOP is installed):
The password is "admin". Attention, it is recommended to change the administrator password, before to use the console. There are some malicisous users which could modify the behavior of the application. The password is set in the configuration file of the administration console.
To enable or disable the Administration console, do as follows:
  • Edit the expershop main configuration file (generally expershop/EShop.cfg), and modify the following line:
    console: true
    admin: console/shop/SHOP.cfg

    If you set console to false, ExperShop will not start the administration console.

  • You need to restart your web server to enable the changes.


  • Enter your password to connect to your administration console.
  • Select the application you want to administer within application displayed between parenthesis.
  • To the right of the current application tag ("current application:"), a link is able to activate the Garbage Collector. This possibility can be usable when the Java virtual machine has some problems ("[activate GC]").
  • It is possible to :
    - manage the database connections pool (Connection pool)
    - administer the "Trace Manager" configuration (Trace configuration)
    - administer the configuration file of the application (Application configuration)
    - view the logs (Trace output)
    - view clients connected to the application (Statistics)
    - start and stop the application (on | off)
  • Most of the screens are configuration tables. You can modify some parameters, and changes are made when you click on the "Submit" button.

[Connection pool]

This page allows you to manage the connections pool of the database, and other jdbc parameters. On top of the page, you have the number of physical connections used.
  • reconnect on error: possibles values: true or false. if equals to true, connections are re-opened when an error occurs (sql errors).
  • number of jdbc query attempts: number of try to establish the connection to the database when there is a connection problem.
  • new: if true, open and close a connection to the database (hack for some JDBC driver) before start working.
  • minimum of jdbc connections: minimum number of physical jdbc connection to the database.
  • maximum of jdbc connections: maximum number of physical jdbc connection to the database.
  • test statement string: test SQL string allowing to test the jdbc connection before to use it.
  • check level: level of connection checking (0: no check ... 4: maximum check).
  • debug: set on the debug flag. If true , debug is available. If false, debug is not used.
This screen allows to manage the different datasources, declared in the configuration file of the application. All the datasources are listed to the screen. The name of the datasource is composed by the name of the application, appended with "__" and the name of the datasource. After clicked on a datasource, a screen shows the following informations:
  • number of used jdbc connections: the number of jdbc connection which are currently used.
  • number of connection handles: the number of connection handles which are currently used (physicals + virtuals).
  • minimum of jdbc connections: minimum number of physical jdbc connection to the database.
  • maximum of jdbc connections: maximum number of physical jdbc connection to the database.
  • number of connection on one physical connection: number of virtual jdbc connections on the same connection. Example:
              jdbc.MaxConn: 4
              jdbc.Multiplex: 2
    means 8 maximum available connections for the application.

[Trace configuration]

This panel allows you to manage the "Trace Manager". There are 5 levels of debug, :
  • DEBUG: to display debugging messages from ExperSHOP;
  • INFO: to display debugging messages, and messages which displays informations concerning the behavior of ExperSHOP;
  • WARN: to display debugging messages, information messages, and warnings;
  • ERROR: to display debugging messages, information messages, warnings, and errors or exceptions from ExperSHOP;
  • FATAL: to display all messages from ExperSHOP. The FATAL mode is used to trace behavior errors of the soft which stop the application.

[Application configuration]

This panel allows you to manage the global configuration of the application.
  • with GC: if true, use Garbage Collector from the virtual machine, else false.
  • timeout(s) for next connections: unused time allowed for a client session (seconds).
  • off template: error template when a problem occurs with the application. Problems could be the following: the application has been stopped, the maximum number of jdbc connections has been reached, etc ...

[Trace output]

This panel allows you to view the error file of the application. These logs are available only when a log file has been set in the "Trace configuration" section.


All clients currently connected to the application are displayed. When you click on a client id, you'll see informations about him. Some of them (informations) are modifiable.
  • is administrator: if true, the client currently connected is the administrator of the application, else false.
  • sql encode separator: sql separator.
  • sql encode rules: substitution rules.
  • reconnect on error: Values: true or false. If true, tells the connection pool to reopen database connections upon errors (including SQL errors).
  • number of jdbc query attempts: number of try to establish a connection to the database when an error occurs.
  • no comment: if true, displays comments in the generated html file, else false.
This panel allows to know informations about the Cookie ("Current cookie"), and parameters passed to the ExperSHOP servlet ("Current parameters").
A link to the cart is here ("Link to cart"), to view its content.

The configuration file of the administration console is very similar to a standard ExperSHOP application. The following properties are defined:

[on | off]

These panels allow you to start and stop an application. By default, the application has been started.
  • [on]: allows to start the application.
  • [off]: allows to stop the application. If there are clients connected to the application, it is possible to force clients to log off. When the application will be stopped, it will be no longer possible a client to connect to the web site.

    • Turn off all current connections: disconnect all clients connected to the application, and no connection will be available in the future.
    • Disable new connection: current client sessions are not killed, they will terminate themself, and no connection will be available in the future.

[Save configuration]

This button allows to save the configuration to a file. This file is setup in the application configuration file. If the file name is not specified, a default file will be created (/tmp/delegateconfigfile.cfg).