Verisign Payflow Pro Payment
Secure payment Home
Please email any bug reports, comments or suggestions to ExperLog's
Online Support
ExperShop supports Payflow Pro V 3.00 and later, but has not been
tested against previous versions.
Currently, only the credit-card payment is supported.
Payflow Pro SDK installation
There are different steps to integrate a merchant server with
Payflow Pro:
- Connect to
Verisign's web site, to get the Payflow Pro SDK software.
You need to download the Java version of the SDK
(verisign_pfpro_java.tar.gz for the V 3.00 Unix version).
Accessing to Payflow Pro SDKs requires to register for a free "Test
merchant account" first.
- Install the Payflow Pro SDK on your server, by simply extracting
the downloaded archive (on Unix, tar xvzf verisign_pfpro_java.tar.gz).
This will create a "verisign" directory, that contains the java libraries
for Payflow Pro (verisign/payflowpro/java/Verisign.jar) and a sample
certificate file for testing (in verisign/payflowpro/java/certs/).
- Make the CLASSPATH of your servlet engine point to the Verisign.jar
file. If using Tomcat, copying Verisign.jar in the TOMCAT_HOME/lib/common
directory should be sufficient.
ExperSHOP setup for Payflow Pro
The following properties should be set in the shop's configuration file:
- pay.payflowpro.CertPath (MANDATORY):
the full path to the directory that contains the Payflow Pro
certificates. If on Windows, use duplicate "\" chars
to separate directories (like in "c:\\ExperSHOP\\etc\\payflowpro").
- pay.payflowpro.PARTNER (OPTIONAL, default "VeriSign"): the Verisign
partner ID. The default value (VeriSign) should be used for the test account,
or if you signed up yourself for your account.
- pay.payflowpro.VENDOR (MANDATORY): Your vendor ID (= your user name,
defined at registration time at Verisign)
- pay.payflowpro.PWD (MANDATORY): Your password (defined at registration
time at Verisign)
- pay.payflowpro.HostAddress (MANDATORY): The Payflow Pro server
address. Generally set it to "" for testing,
and to "" for production environments.
- pay.payflowpro.HostPort (OPTIONAL, default 443): The Payflow Pro
server port number.
- pay.payflowpro.TimeOut (OPTIONAL, default 90): The Payflow Pro
payment timeout, in seconds. Should not be lower than 30.
- pay.payflowpro.ProxyAddress (OPTIONAL, default none): Your proxy host
address (for example, if accessing Payflow Pro from behind a firewall).
- pay.payflowpro.ProxyPort (OPTIONAL, default none): Your proxy port
number. Mandatory if pay.payflowpro.ProxyAddress is set.
- pay.payflowpro.ProxyLogon (OPTIONAL, default none): Your proxy logon
name. Should be pesent if pay.payflowpro.ProxyAddress is set.
- pay.payflowpro.ProxyPassword (OPTIONAL, default none): Your proxy
password. Should be pesent if pay.payflowpro.ProxyAddress is set.
Invoking Payflow Pro from ExperShop templates
Payflow Pro is invoked from ExperShop by invoking the action.
The action invokes the Payflow Pro services for payment:
if the payment is successful, the shopping cart content is ordered.
Action :
Place Order, with Payflow Pro secure payment: a new order is created
upon payment success, the shopping cart is emptied.
If the payment fails, no order is placed, and the shopping cart remains
We recommend that the page that triggers this action be invoked through SSL
(for credit-card info encryption).
Input parameters:
- ACCT: The credit card number (MANDATORY)
- EXPDATE: The credit card expiration date (format : mmyy) (MANDATORY)
- STREET and ZIP: The credit card holder's street address and zip code
(optional, for AVS check - AVS stands for "address verification service")
Output parameters:
- OrdId: The ExperSHOP-generated Order ID, in case of success only
- RESULT: The payment status (0 if success, or some other numeric value
that gives information about the transaction failure status)
- PNREF: The Payflow Pro transaction ID (upon success only).
- AUTHCODE: The credit card authentication code (upon success only).
- RESPMSG: The Payflow Pro-generated error message (upon failure
- AVSADDR and AVSCHECK (optional, only present if AVS is activated).
Adding payment information to the orders database
Payment information (like for example the PNREF and AUTHCODE) will be
automatically added to the orders database, provided the ECustOrder
table contains columns called "PNREF", "AUTHCODE", etc...