OpenMarket SecureLink™ Payment

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ExperShop supports OpenMarket SecureLink™ 3.0 and later, but has not been tested against previous versions.

OpenMarket SecureLink™ is the client access to OpenMarket Transact™ servers : Transact™ is not only a payment system, it covers all aspects of the commercial transaction, including the shopping cart, the order management, the secure payment, and the shop's back-office.

When using OpenMarket SecureLink™ with ExperShop, you completely override ExperShop's shopping cart, order management and back-office implementation : ExperShop is only used for the shop catalog, and to interface OpenMarket Transact™ servers.


Currently, only Windows NT is supported.
Contact us for needs related to other platforms.


There are different steps to integrate a merchant server with OpenMarket SecureLink™ :
  • Obtain the OpenMarket Commerce Operator (SecureLink) product from your secure payment provider (for example, France Telecom or AT&T secure payment services are based on OpenMarket); Install it on your merchant platform.
  • Position your PATH variable so it points to the ExperShop\etc\omkt\win32 directory.
  • Edit your ExperShop shop configuration file, to setup your ExperShop server for OpenMarket SecureLink™ (see below).
  • ExperShop can now deal with your OpenMarket SecureLink account : for example, you can generate SecureLink "Digital Offers" for your products, so when a customer clicks on the offer, it is submitted to your OpenMarket Transact™ account (thus added to the shopping cart).
Properties in the shop configuration file

pay.omkt.TSProtocol Protocol used to access the OpenMarket Transact™ server default : https
pay.omkt.TSHost Address of the OpenMarket Transact™ server example :
pay.omkt.TSPort Port for the OpenMarket Transact™ server default : 443
pay.omkt.TSScript Path to the payment script on the OpenMarket Transact™ server default : /tms-ts/bin/payment.cgi
pay.omkt.CSProtocol Protocol used to access the content server (the online shop) default : http
pay.omkt.CSHost URL of the content server (the online shop's home page URL) example :
pay.omkt.CSPort Port for the content server (the online shop) default : 80
pay.omkt.MerchantId Merchant Number -
pay.omkt.KeyFile Path to the file that contains the secret keys used to generate your OpenMarket SecureLink™ digital offers example : c :\\your-osl-root\\service.telecommerce.fr_443\\secrets\\flat_O.kf
pay.omkt.OfferTemplate Path to the OpenMarket offer template file (generally called "osl.ofr", find it on your disk or use the version in ExperShop's etc\omkt directory) example : c :\\your-osl-root\\conf\\osl.ofr
pay.omkt.Flags OpenMarket SecureLink™ specific attribute values to fit your OpenMarket configuration : for example, for taxes (depends on the configuration used by your secure payment services provider). example (France Telecom telecommerce) : VatFlag=1,VatRate=0.206

Invoking OpenMarket SecureLink™ from ExperShop templates

For each item sold in your shop, you have to generate an OpenMarket SecureLink™ "Digital Offer" : a digital offer is an URL with parameters that calls your OpenMarket secure payment provider's server.
The Digital Offer is generated by the OpenMarket libraries : it contains some encrypted information for authentication and security checks.

To generate a digital offer from an ExperShop template, you have to invoke the action.
The action receives one parameter : a string that describes the item sold (string format : Item Reference/Price/Item Description).

Then, the Digital Offer value can be retrieved from the DigitalOffer parameter value : $DigitalOffer$.

As it is an URL, it can be used directly in an HTTP link, example :

Item1234/230.00/Surfer's Sunglasses <a href=$DigitalOffer$>Add to Cart</a>
A more complete example follows :

$DefineSql LISTITEMS select * from EProduct where DeptId='sunglasses'


$LoopOnResults LISTITEMS item

$Action $item :
ProdId$/$item :Price$/$item :Name$ <li> <a href=$DigitalOffer$>$item :Name$</a> </li> $EndLoop </ul>