Enhydra 3 ExperShop release notes

This document gives an example of an Enhydra 3.1 configuration for ExperShop:
It requires a basic knowledge of the Enhydra 3.1 configuration process (including what the Enhydra multiserver is, what multiserver.conf looks like and where these elements should be).

sample enhydra startup script

This script sets environment variables required by the ExperShop application before starting Enhydra multiserver.

export CLASSPATH=/usr/local/expershop/WEB-INF/lib/expershop.jar:/usr/local/expershop/WEB-INF/lib/openeas.jar:/usr/local/expershop/WEB-INF/lib/xapool.jar:/usr/local/expershop/WEB-INF/lib/log4j.jar:/usr/local/expershop/WEB-INF/lib/hsqldb.jar

## more complex startup scenario - with additional environment variables
## export CMKEYDIR=/usr/local/CYBERMUT
## /usr/local/enhydra3.1/bin/multiserver -java-arg -Djava.library.path=/usr/local/ExperSHOP/etc/cmut/linux-intel

multiserver.conf example

# Enhydra Multiserver Config File
# ==================================
# This file contains the configuration options for the
# Enhydra Multiserver. Typically it is manipulated
# through the Multiserver Admin application, however,
# power users may wish to edit it by hand.
# Notes:
#  * The Multiserver only reads this file on startup.
#    It is thus necessary to stop and restart the server if
#    changes are made by hand.
#  * The order of the parameters in this file is not significant. 
#  * Quotes are not required to delimit strings but are advised.
#  * Array parameters are specified as a comma separated list.
#    The parameter name is identified as an array with a "[]"
#    suffix.

# Server Section -----------------------------------------------------
# ==============
# These options configure server-wide attributes.
# Server.ConfDir
# --------------
# This is where the application's config files are stored.
# Each Enhydra application has a configuration
# file that must be placed in this directory in order for the
# application to be visible by the Multiserver and the Multiserver
# admin application.
# Server.LogFile
# --------------
# This is the file where the server log is written.
# Server.LogToFile[]
# ------------------
# This is a comma separated list of message types to send to the log
# file specified in server.logFile.
# Server.LogToStderr[]
# --------------------
# This is a comma separated list of message types to send to standard error.
# Possible logger levels:
# -----------------------
# These levels will be familiar to anyone that has used the UNIX
# syslog functionality:
#	Panic condition.
#	A condition that should be corrected immediately, such as
#	database corruption.
#	Critical conditions such as had device errors.
#	General errors that are not usually fatal, but must be
#	resolved.
#	Warning condition that may need attention, although the
#	need is not immediate.
#	Conditions that are not error conditions, but may require
#	special handling such as infrequent conditions.
#   INFO
#	General informational conditions, knowledge of which will
#	help to keep the server in good order.
#	Messages that contain information normally of use only when
#	debugging an application.
#       Information about the loading of application classes.  Very
#       useful debugging class path problems.
#       The StandardLoggingFilter logs hits to this facility if
#       this is specified (normally it writes to it's own file).
#   XMLC
#       Information about auto-compiling XMLC pages.
#       Debug information about auto-compiling XMLC pages.
Server.ConfDir = "/usr/local/enhydra3.1/apps"
Server.LogFile = "/usr/local/enhydra3.1/logs/multiserver.log"
# The above setting is for verbose output. When running as a daemon
# process you may want to print out only emergencies, for example:
#     Server.LogToStderr[] = EMERGENCY

# Enhydra Application Section -----------------------------------------
# ==========================
# Each Enhydra application is added to the Multiserver with the
# following syntax. Note that multiple applications can be
# defined, the only restriction is that the [APPLICATION_ID] must
# be unique.
# Application.[APPLICATION_ID].ConfFile
# -------------------------------------
# This is set to "filename.conf", which must exist in the directory
# defined by "Server.ConfDir".
# Application.[APPLICATION_ID].Description
# ----------------------------------------
# A description of the application. This is visible in the
# management console.
# Application.[APPLICATION_ID].Running = yes | no
# -----------------------------------------------
# This is basically the same as the start/stop buttons in the admin
# app. If the server has running = no, then it will not be instantiated,
# until the user of the admin app clicks on the "start" button.
Application.MultiserverAdmin.ConfFile = multiserverAdmin.conf
Application.MultiserverAdmin.Description = "Multiserver Management Console."
Application.MultiserverAdmin.Running = yes

# Servlet Section ----------------------------------------------------
# ===============
# The Multiserver is able to run standard servlets in addition to
# Enhydra applications. The following syntax is
# used to define a servlet. Note that multiple servlets
# can be defined, the only restriction is that the [SERVLET_ID]
# must be unique.
# Each servlet is defined with:
# Servlet.[SERVLET_ID].ClassName = entryClass
# Servlet.[SERVLET_ID].DocRoot = Document root for servlet.
# Servlet.[SERVLET_ID].Description = "A description of servlet"
# Servlet.[SERVLET_ID].Running = yes | no
# where the ".classname" parameter defines the class with the
# service() method and ".description" defines a description used
# by the admin tool. The ".docRoot" is the full path to the
# directory used as the document root for this servlet and
# ".running" indicated whether to automatically start the
# servlet when the Multiserver is started.
# Optionally a servlet can be further specified with the following
# options:
# Servlet.[SERVLET_ID].InitArgs
# -----------------------------
# This is a collection of name-value pairs that are passed to the
# servlet and initial arguments. Refer to the servlet documentation
# for more information.
# For example:
#	Servlet.[SERVLET_ID].InitArgs.LogFile = /tmp/log
#	Servlet.[SERVLET_ID].InitArgs.Max = 256
#	Servlet.[SERVLET_ID].InitArgs.Names[] = "Joe Bob", "Jane Bee"
# Servlet.[SERVLET_ID].ClassPath[]
# --------------------------------
# This is set to a comma-separated list of classpath elements. The
# class loader will be extended with these paths so that the
# servlet can successfully load any required classes.
# Application.[APPLICATION_ID].Running
# ------------------------------------
# This is basically the same as the start/stop buttons in the admin
# app. If the server has running = no, then it will not be instantiated,
# until the user of the admin app clicks on the "start" button.

# ExperShop main servlet
Servlet.ExperSHOP.ClassName = com.expershop.lite.ExperSHOP
Servlet.ExperSHOP.DocRoot = /home/httpd/html
Servlet.ExperSHOP.Description = "ExperSHOP servlet."
Servlet.ExperSHOP.ClassPath[] = /usr/local/expershop/WEB-INF/lib/expershop.jar,/usr/local/expershop/WEB-INF/lib/openeas.jar,/usr/local/expershop/WEB-INF/lib/xapool.jar,/usr/local/expershop/WEB-INF/lib/log4j.jar,/usr/local/expershop/WEB-INF/lib/hsqldb.jar
Servlet.ExperSHOP.Running = yes
Servlet.ExperSHOP.InitArgs.SHOPCONFIG = /usr/local/ExperSHOP/EShop.cfg

# ExperShop admin servlet
Servlet.ESAdminServlet.ClassName = com.expershop.lite.ESAdminServlet
Servlet.ESAdminServlet.DocRoot = /tmp
Servlet.ESAdminServlet.Description = "ESAdminServlet servlet."
Servlet.ESAdminServlet.ClassPath[] = /usr/local/expershop/WEB-INF/lib/expershop.jar,/usr/local/expershop/WEB-INF/lib/openeas.jar,/usr/local/expershop/WEB-INF/lib/xapool.jar,/usr/local/expershop/WEB-INF/lib/log4j.jar,/usr/local/expershop/WEB-INF/lib/hsqldb.jar
Servlet.ESAdminServlet.Running = yes
Servlet.ESAdminServlet.InitArgs.SHOPCONFIG = /usr/local/ExperSHOP/EShop.cfg

# Document root for all static HTML content
Servlet.HTML.ClassName = org.enhydra.servlet.servlets.FileServerServlet
Servlet.HTML.DocRoot = "/home/httpd/html"
Servlet.HTML.Running = yes

# For CyberMut secure payment return servlet
# This is just an example - forget this if not using CyberMut
Servlet.CyberMut.ClassName = com.expershop.pay.cmut.ESCgi2Servlet
Servlet.CyberMut.DocRoot = /home/httpd/html
Servlet.CyberMut.Description = "CyberMut return servlet."
Servlet.CyberMut.ClassPath[] = /usr/local/expershop/WEB-INF/lib/expershop.jar,/usr/local/expershop/WEB-INF/lib/openeas.jar,/usr/local/expershop/WEB-INF/lib/xapool.jar,/usr/local/expershop/WEB-INF/lib/log4j.jar,/usr/local/expershop/WEB-INF/lib/hsqldb.jar
Servlet.CyberMut.Running = yes
Servlet.CyberMut.InitArgs.SHOPCONFIG = /usr/local/ExperSHOP/EShop.cfg

# Connection Methods Section -----------------------------------------
# ==========================
# This section defines all the possible ways that the Multiserver will
# accept requests. Any number of connection methods are allowable
# so long as the [CONNECTION_ID] is unique. The [CONNECTION_ID]
# is used when associated with an application/servlet by defining
# a channel.
# Connection.[CONNECTION_ID].Type
# -------------------------------
# The connection type is set to any supported connection method.
# Possible types are:
# "http"
# This instructs the Multiserver to directly listen for http requests on the
# specified port. The port is specified with:
#	Connection.[CONNECTION_ID].Port = [port]
# The number of handler threads my be specified with:
#       Connection.[CONNECTION_ID].NumThreads = [num]   (optional)
# The number of socket requests to queue (after accept, before processing)
# may be specified with:
#       Connection.[CONNECTION_ID].QueueSize = [num]    (optional)
# The idle timeout period for a client connection, in seconds.  This is the
# amount of time to block without activity.
#       Connection.[CONNECTION_ID].ClientTimeout = [num]   (optional)
# The idle timeout period for a handler thread, in seconds.  Shorter timeouts
# minimize the number of threads (memory) while slowing response time for
# bursts of activity.
#       Connection.[CONNECTION_ID].ThreadTimeout = [num]   (optional)
# "https"
# This instructs the Multiserver to directly listen for secure-http requests
# on the specified port. The port is specified with:
#	Connection.[CONNECTION_ID].Port = [port]
# The number of handler threads my be specified with:
#       Connection.[CONNECTION_ID].NumThreads = [num]   (optional)
# The number of socket requests to queue (after accept, before processing)
# may be specified with:
#       Connection.[CONNECTION_ID].QueueSize = [num]    (optional)
Connection.HttpConn8001.Type = http
Connection.HttpConn8001.Port = 8001

Connection.HttpConn8002.Type = http
Connection.HttpConn8002.Port = 8002

# Channel Section ----------------------------------------------------
# ===============
# This section defines how applications/servlets are connected with
# connection methods. Each channel entry represents an entry point
# to an application than can be individually controlled. Note that
# like other IDs, each [CHANNEL_ID] must by unique.
# Each channel is defined with:
#    or
#    and
# Channel.[CONNECTION_ID].[CHANNEL_ID].Url = [url prefix]
#    and
#    and
# Channel.[CONNECTION_ID].[CHANNEL_ID].Enabled = yes | no
# where the ".Servlet" parameter defines the application/servlet
# to connect to and the [CONNECTION_ID].[CHANNEL_ID] path defines
# the connection method to connect to.
# The Url should generally begin and end with a '/'.
# The ".Filters" is optional and defines a
# list of [FILTER_ID] that a channel is subject to. Filters are
# executed in the order that they are defined. The most common use
# of a filter is for logging purposes. In general, filters are an
# advanced topic that is discussed in the developers guide.

Channel.HttpConn8001.AdminChannel.Servlet = MultiserverAdmin
Channel.HttpConn8001.AdminChannel.Url = /
Channel.HttpConn8001.AdminChannel.Enabled = yes

Channel.HttpConn8002.ExperSHOPChannel.Servlet = ExperSHOP
Channel.HttpConn8002.ExperSHOPChannel.Url = /servlet/com.expershop.lite.ExperSHOP
Channel.HttpConn8002.ExperSHOPChannel.Filters[] = StandardLogger
Channel.HttpConn8002.ExperSHOPChannel.Enabled = yes

Channel.HttpConn8002.ESAdminServletChannel.Servlet = ESAdminServlet
Channel.HttpConn8002.ESAdminServletChannel.Url = /servlet/com.expershop.lite.ESAdminServlet
Channel.HttpConn8002.ESAdminServletChannel.Filters[] = StandardLogger
Channel.HttpConn8002.ESAdminServletChannel.Enabled = yes

Channel.HttpConn8002.HTML.Enabled = yes
Channel.HttpConn8002.HTML.Servlet = HTML
Channel.HttpConn8002.HTML.Url = /

# For CyberMut secure payment return servlet
# This is just an example - forget this if not using CyberMut
Channel.HttpConn8002.CyberMutChannel.Servlet = CyberMut
Channel.HttpConn8002.CyberMutChannel.Url = /servlet/com.expershop.pay.cmut.ESCgi2Servlet
Channel.HttpConn8002.CyberMutChannel.Filters[] = StandardLogger
Channel.HttpConn8002.CyberMutChannel.Enabled = yes

# Filter Section -----------------------------------------------------
# ==============
# This section is allows filters to be defined and subsequently used
# on a channel declaration. Note that each [FILTER_ID] must be unique.
# WARNING: It is the responsability of the administrator to ensure that
# the CLASPATH is set up prior to running the Multiserver such that the filter
# (and any classes it needs) will be found. The location of the filter
# class on disk is not specified.
# Each filter is defined with:
# Filter.[FILTER_ID].ClassName = entryClass
# Filter.[FILTER_ID].Description = "A description of filter"
# where the ".classname" parameter defines the class with the
# service() method and ".description" defines a description used
# by the admin tool.
# Optionally a filter can be further specified with the following option:
# Filter.[FILTER_ID].InitArgs
# -----------------------
# This is a collection of name-value pairs that are passed to the
# servlet and initial arguments. Refer to the developers guide
# for more information.
# For example:
#	Filter.[FILTER_ID].InitArgs.configFile = /tmp/filter_config
#	Filter.[FILTER_ID].InitArgs.myParam = myValue

# This filter is used to log the requests as they are made to the server
# (aka "hits"). If the key REQUEST is present in Server.LogToFile or
# Server.LogToStderr (above), then a simple summary of the request and
# response will be sent to the standard logging facility. This kind of
# logging is usefull for quick debugging of an application. If the key
# REQUEST is not present, then data is not sent to the standard logging
# facility.
# If the initial argument "logFile" (optional, below) is set, then this filter
# will append data about the requests to the specified file, in a standard
# format that tools like Web Analyzer can read. If no logFile is specified,
# then data is not written to the file.
# This filter is applied to individual channels, so only the channels
# that need logging pay the overhead.
Filter.StandardLogger.ClassName = org.enhydra.servlet.filter.StandardLoggingFilter
Filter.StandardLogger.Description = "Standard Enhydra Logging."
Filter.StandardLogger.InitArgs.logFile = "/usr/local/enhydra3.1/logs/access.log"