Enhydra 5 ExperShop release notes
This document gives an example of an Enhydra 5 configuration for ExperShop:
It requires a basic knowledge of the Enhydra 5 configuration process
(including what the Enhydra multiserver is, what multiserver.conf looks like
and where these elements should be).
Getting ExperShop
First, you have to download ExperShop from experlog's web site.
Download the .war (Web Application aRchive) package: expershop.war
(available since version 3.0) - Note: on Windows, it may appear as
expershop.war.zip, which is no problem for the Enhydra install.
Installing ExperShop
- Go in Enhydra 5's webapps directory
- Create a new directory, called "expershop"
- Copy expershop.war (or expershop.war.zip) in the expershop directory
- Go in the expershop directory, and unpack expershop.war using the java
jar command (jar xvf expershop.war) - or WinZip on Windows
Updating multiserver.conf
Now, you have to edit your multiserver.conf file, to add some information
listed below.
To add in the WebApp Section:
Unix example
Application.expershop.Description = "ExperShop WebApp"
Application.expershop.DocRoot = "/usr/local/enhydra5.0/webapps/expershop"
Application.expershop.Running = yes
Windows example
Application.expershop.Description = "ExperShop WebApp"
Application.expershop.DocRoot = "C:/enhydra5.0/webapps/expershop"
Application.expershop.Running = yes
To add in the Channel Section:
Channel.HttpConn8004.expershopChannel.Enabled = yes
Channel.HttpConn8004.expershopChannel.Servlet = expershop
Channel.HttpConn8004.expershopChannel.Url = "/expershop"
Restart enhydra, then test the following URL: